Hello, WE are paper trail media, An Award-winning team of investigative journalists. We do Print, ONline, Podcast and Video.

We are the journalists behind the #PanamaPapers, #ParadisePapers #SuisseSecrets #XinjiangPoliceFiles and #VulkanFiles. Together with OCCRP, ICIJ, THE EXAMINATION and FORBIDDEN STORIES we worked on the #StoryKillers, #CyprusConfidential, #WorldOfPain, the #RussianAssetTracker and more. Stay tuned.


Paper trail media brings together some of the finest  investigative journalists from Europe. This award-winning team is dedicated to international impact journalism - spanning print, online, in podcasts, and video formats. Our reporters have been working with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), the Forbidden Stories-Network, the Signals Network, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), The Examination as well as the Anti-Corruption Data Collective. Their groundbreaking revelations consistently spark debates, inspire investigations and lead to changes in legislation. In Germany, paper trail media is exclusively partnering with the magazine Der Spiegel and the public broadcaster ZDF. Furthermore, paper trail media collaborates with the Austrian newspaper Der Standard as well as the Swiss Tamedia-group.

„We live in the golden era of investigative journalism. Society needs muckrakers now more than ever. Collaborative accountability journalism  can make a difference and change the world for the better.“

Frederik Obermaier & Bastian Obermayer 

Founders of paper trail media


Crime Messenger (ZDF, OCCRP)

World of Pain (The Examination)

Exposing the Far Right (Guardian)

Kremlin Leaks (Vsquare)

The Baku Connection (Forbidden Stories)

Gaza Project (Forbidden Stories)

Moscow's payroll clerk (paper trail media)

The Oligarch-Files (Spiegel & Guardian)

China Tobacco (The Examination) 

The OSCE-Files (SPIEGEL, ZDF, Standard)

The Vulkan Files (SPIEGEL, ZDF & Co)

Storykillers (Forbidden Stories)

Shadow Diplomats (SPIEGEL & ICIJ)

Fueling the war (SPIEGEL & ZDF)

Xinjiang Police Files (SPIEGEL & others)

Interview with Panama Papers-source

Panama Papers (ICIJ)

Pegasus Project (Forbidden Stories)

Suisse Secrets (OCCRP)